

My photos from Local Histories are going to be in Hillsborough for this show (following text is the press release from the Orange County Historical Museum) :

June 3 - July 6, Local Histories II: The Ground We Walk On
Opening June 3, Local Histories II follows Local Histories: The Ground We Walk On,an exhibition at 523 East Franklin Street in Chapel Hill. Local Histories IIincludes work by NC artists or by artists with strong ties to NC. From the original 56 artists, 24 are included in Local Histories II.
All of the artists explore the idea of "local histories" and Alfredo Jaar's concept that "place cannot be global". Local Histories IIexplores the global and the local, the similarities with which localities are experienced even when separated by vast geographic distances, as well as specific differences. Several related themes run throughout the show: time, history and memory; the ways locales frame identity and experience; the organic trace of the human on objects; and cultivating communities. In exploring these themes the artists engage questions such as: How do places manifest histories? Whose stories are told? What stories are lost, and can they be recovered? What truths and fictions do places offer up for our consideration? These investigations of place show us that the many grounds on which we walk are not so different. At the same time, these artists prove that every local history can be uniquely interpreted and significantly represented.

Participating Artists: Sophia Allison, Alexis Bravos, Molly Brewer, Ian Brownlee, María DeGuzmán, Travis Donovan, Ashley Florence, Gail Goers, Heather Gordon, Michael Gurganus, Elizabeth Hull, Ann Pegelow Kaplan, Cathy McLaurin, Morgan Muhs, Allyson Packer, Jody Servon, Leah Sobsey, Tracy Spencer, Julie Thomson, Paul Valadez, Michael Webster, Amy White, Ripley Whiteside, and Denis Wood.

Please check it out if you didn't get to see Local Histories I!

1 comment:

Josh Hockensmith said...

Glad to hear the show will be up in another venue. Cheers from NC!