

Book models...

What the heck is an artist's book? More than the fine art equivalent to scrapbooking

My artistic life the last few weeks has been dominated by books...I'm not talking about doing research or reading literature or even trashy novels, I'm talking about the kind that are sculptural, conceptual, reflexive and critical of their own form, AKA the ARTIST'S BOOK. What is an artist's book, you ask? Its a book that has intrinsic value outside of the information it contains, so it is in itself a work of art. Sounds like the nerdiest art form ever, right? Making books doesn't really have the heroic monumental action painting vibe, does it? But I'm really embracing this concept because it lends itself to printing and just by using a book form introduces a ton of notions about how we approach information. Plus, tiny books are so freakin cute!


Josh Hockensmith's Blog

I just found out Josh Hockensmith (aka my boss at the Art library) has a great blog about book artistdom: