

Rue de la Course on Magazine during the St. Pat's Day Parade

I realize I haven't posted anything but photos in a long time,
but I promise new prints within the week!


Louisiana Products Inc., Deli & Grocery - best place to get lunch in the CBD

These are some pictures of the inside of Louisiana Products, the little grocery store on Julia Street.  I went there a few times over the summer, but never paid attention to what the name was or even which intersection it was near, so last week I wandered around the CBD until I found it again.  I was down there to visit the Ogden Museum of Art.  It has a great mixture of contemporary work and craft.  One of my personal favs was the giant tapestry in the foyer made of found objects.  Anyway, if you are ever in the Central Business District and don't want to buy a $10 sandwich from one of the museum cafes, go to this place.  They have great soul food daily specials, like fried catfish.


The photos I took in New Orleans are developed!  I am really excited with the outcome.  I took a lot of those "why the heck not?" shots, as Jeff Whetstone would say.  I will let them trickle onto the blog over the next few weeks.


An oyster bar named Desire?

Doesn't have the same ring as streetcar, but its a cool vintage looking sign.


hello hello,

i have been in new orleans for the last week enjoying mardi gras and hanging out with the fam, but also been working on some project ideas!  get ready for some new photos and maybe some drawings.  i was just schooled by my four year old cousin.  i thought it would be a great idea to get her to draw in my sketchbook, like i would be encouraging her towards a path of artistic creativity, but that ended up with her ordering me to draw things for her.  i don't think she has the artsy gene, but she's already pretty authoritative.