

I tried something a little different with sizing with the zoo pics.  Please comment and let me know if the images get cut of when you are viewing them on a different computer!!!  Plus just comment in general because I would love to know what you think/like/dislike.

Update: I am making them smaller so that they view properly on  PC, thanks Josh!

Audobon Zoo

Audubon Zoo


Community Printshop Art Auction!

Swoon on the New Orleans Community Printshop building on Elysian Fields that was painted over after about a week


I changed around the design on my blog a wee bit so that I could make the pictures as large as possible.  How does it look???  Things are going swimmingly in New Orleans.  Alaina and I spent the majority of yesterday evening attempting and failing at gel transfers.  Definitely the poor man's screen print.

Be sure to check out Alaina's blog: to see her side of our summer story.


I have been reunited with my digital camera charger!  Time to celebrate!
I found this video on Nowness of Florence Welch singing this Buddy Holly tribute.  The video was shot in New Orleans and the sound has Cajun influences.  It has such a great mood? feel? I really don't have any vocabulary to describe music, but I like this.  The funky Cajun stuff makes her voice more soulful.


My photos from Local Histories are going to be in Hillsborough for this show (following text is the press release from the Orange County Historical Museum) :

June 3 - July 6, Local Histories II: The Ground We Walk On
Opening June 3, Local Histories II follows Local Histories: The Ground We Walk On,an exhibition at 523 East Franklin Street in Chapel Hill. Local Histories IIincludes work by NC artists or by artists with strong ties to NC. From the original 56 artists, 24 are included in Local Histories II.
All of the artists explore the idea of "local histories" and Alfredo Jaar's concept that "place cannot be global". Local Histories IIexplores the global and the local, the similarities with which localities are experienced even when separated by vast geographic distances, as well as specific differences. Several related themes run throughout the show: time, history and memory; the ways locales frame identity and experience; the organic trace of the human on objects; and cultivating communities. In exploring these themes the artists engage questions such as: How do places manifest histories? Whose stories are told? What stories are lost, and can they be recovered? What truths and fictions do places offer up for our consideration? These investigations of place show us that the many grounds on which we walk are not so different. At the same time, these artists prove that every local history can be uniquely interpreted and significantly represented.

Participating Artists: Sophia Allison, Alexis Bravos, Molly Brewer, Ian Brownlee, María DeGuzmán, Travis Donovan, Ashley Florence, Gail Goers, Heather Gordon, Michael Gurganus, Elizabeth Hull, Ann Pegelow Kaplan, Cathy McLaurin, Morgan Muhs, Allyson Packer, Jody Servon, Leah Sobsey, Tracy Spencer, Julie Thomson, Paul Valadez, Michael Webster, Amy White, Ripley Whiteside, and Denis Wood.

Please check it out if you didn't get to see Local Histories I!
I have been in New Orleans for about two weeks now and things are beginning to move along and take shape.  Everything from getting reconnected with the New Orleans Community Printshop to moving into my new apartment with Alaina makes New Orleans feel a little more like home. 

The street artist Swoon is in NOLA creating an installation for the New Orleans Museum of Art that is opening on June 10th.  Swoon specializes in massive woodblock portraits of her friends and family set into convoluted urban landscapes that she prints and wheat pastes as part of cut paper installations.  So cool.  Best part is that she is really lovely in person and introduced herself to us as Cali and was totally laid back about us being in her workspace.  Meg invited Alaina and I to tag along to the warehouse where Swoon is working and help for a few hours on the installation.  Here is Alaina painting in some of the forms on a woodblock print.  


and mystery of the missing camera battery charger continues......


I want to share the joyful news that I am graduating day after tomorrow with a BFA in printmaking and will be moving back to New Orleans at the end of the month.  I'm not sure what the future holds in store, but it will definitely have prints in it!  Check the blog regularly and give me a hard time if I don't post new material!  I need you to keep me accountable.  


I have been playing around with photographs that I took on my last New Orleans trip by degrading and combining the images.  I think this could get interesting, but I need to decide what kind of content to use.  Do you see the river bend and ferns in this one?
*small prints*

noise * screenprint * 6"x8"

 spin * screenprint * 6"x8"

windshield * screenprint * 5"x7"

bright * screenprint * 6"x8"






Rue de la Course on Magazine during the St. Pat's Day Parade

I realize I haven't posted anything but photos in a long time,
but I promise new prints within the week!


Louisiana Products Inc., Deli & Grocery - best place to get lunch in the CBD

These are some pictures of the inside of Louisiana Products, the little grocery store on Julia Street.  I went there a few times over the summer, but never paid attention to what the name was or even which intersection it was near, so last week I wandered around the CBD until I found it again.  I was down there to visit the Ogden Museum of Art.  It has a great mixture of contemporary work and craft.  One of my personal favs was the giant tapestry in the foyer made of found objects.  Anyway, if you are ever in the Central Business District and don't want to buy a $10 sandwich from one of the museum cafes, go to this place.  They have great soul food daily specials, like fried catfish.


The photos I took in New Orleans are developed!  I am really excited with the outcome.  I took a lot of those "why the heck not?" shots, as Jeff Whetstone would say.  I will let them trickle onto the blog over the next few weeks.


An oyster bar named Desire?

Doesn't have the same ring as streetcar, but its a cool vintage looking sign.


hello hello,

i have been in new orleans for the last week enjoying mardi gras and hanging out with the fam, but also been working on some project ideas!  get ready for some new photos and maybe some drawings.  i was just schooled by my four year old cousin.  i thought it would be a great idea to get her to draw in my sketchbook, like i would be encouraging her towards a path of artistic creativity, but that ended up with her ordering me to draw things for her.  i don't think she has the artsy gene, but she's already pretty authoritative.


*since my entire extended family just made fun of the text i had 
accompanying this post, 
i decided to remove it.  i'm sorry for being hopelessly trite, jeez.


my friend alaina just made a sweet blog on wordpress:
check it out!  she has some beautiful grainy film photos. love it.


Local Histories on WUNC

WUNC, aka local NPR station in Chapel Hill, aired a piece on Local Histories where elin O'hara slavick and Cici Stevens were interviewed about the show.  I wasn't mentioned by name or anything, but hey, as far as I'm concerned my dream of being on NPR has been fulfilled.  check one off the bucket list!

here is the link:

it's also in the Link I Like.
framed prints from the artery show:

silkscreen on white reves bfk, 16x20in

silkscreen on white reves bfk, 16x20in

silkscreen on gray reves bfk, 10x14in

these are definitely for sale, 
let me know if you are interested in buying one, framed or unframed

yeah, i'm sick of the birds too, these are the last of them, promise